Monday 23 March 2009

Well another week begins...

Monday again. I can't believe it's nearly April, what is happening the months are going by faster than ever.
It's lovely to see the signs of life around though, all the blossom and Hawthorne is springing into life, the frogs are spawning, the birds are nesting and all the trees and bushes are budding.
Doesn't it make life feel great?
Well what will I be doing today - I may go for a ride to the QVC outlet store (I love that place) then I have a Chicken to roast for tea, I have a whole load of cards to make for a stall at a Chaurh craft fair next week, and then there is the dreaded housework.
Mmmm I think maybe the craft shopping calls loudest and what's that I hear, the housework saying "leave me for another day" well what can I say....

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